Sunday, December 29, 2019

Economic Impacts Of Drug Abuse - 1013 Words

Economic Impacts of Drug Abuse in the United States Drug abuse is a major public health issue that impacts society both directly and indirectly; every person, every community is somehow affected by drug abuse and addiction and this economic burden is not exclusive to those who use substance, it inevitably impacts those who don t. Drugs impact our society in various ways including but not limited to lost earnings, health care expenditures, costs associated with crime, accidents, and deaths. The use of licit or illicit drugs long term, causes millions of deaths and costs billions for medical care and substance abuse rehabilitation and the effects of drug abuse extend beyond users, spilling over into the society at large, imposing increasing†¦show more content†¦National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 2014). Drug abuse and crime is not a new concept and the statistics around the problem have continued to rise. According to (Office of Justice Programs, 2011), there were an estimated 1,846,400 state and local arrests for drug abuse in the United States. Additionally, 17 percent of state prisoners and 18 percent of federal inmates said they committed their current offense to obtain money for drugs (Office of Justice Programs, 2011). Based on this information, we can conclude that our criminal justice systems are saturated with drug abusers. The United States has the highest imprisonment rate and about 83 percent of arrests are for possession of illegal drugs (Prisons Drug Offenders, 2011). Based on these figures, I can conclude that we should be more concerned about solving the drug abusers problems and showing them an alternative lifestyle rather than strict penalty of long term incarceration which will inevitably challenge their ability to be fully functioning citizens after release. The use of criminal restrictions for drug related crimes is not always an entirely punitive tool, and that penalties, or even the threat of them, often urge individuals struggling with addiction or substance abuse to get the treatment they might never seek or receive on their own, therefore increasing their opportunities to become productive members of society. In fact, more than one-third of all treatment referrals in the U.S.Show MoreRelatedDrug Abuse Effects1320 Words   |  6 PagesDrug abuse is a major public health issue that impacts society both directly and indirectly; every person, every community is somehow affected by drug abuse and addiction and this economic burden is not exclusive to those who use substance, it inevitably impacts those who dont. Drugs impact our society in various ways including but not limited to lost earnings, health care expenditures, costs associated with crime, accidents, and deaths. 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As young generation, we should always think clearly to confront the globalization of technology and globalization that have a direct impact on families and youth of the nationRead MoreDrug Use And Its Effects On The Community1474 Words   |  6 PagesDrug use doe not only affect the users but also have a devastating effect on the wider community as a whole. This includes their friends, families, governm ent resources and businesses. Economically, when the effects are quantified an estimated $180.9 billion is lost annually due to drug use as reported by ONDCP in 2002. Drug abusers experience several severe health effects ranging from ill-health, general sickness to death. Different drugs used by an individual has different health effects such

Saturday, December 21, 2019

An Analysis of Elie Wiesels Night - 822 Words

Elie Wiesel: Night The five letters that Elie Wiesel utilizes as the title for his book summarize, within one word, all the feelings, the uncertainty, the anger, the fear, etc. associated with the events contained in this novel. The book is a work of art, and Wiesel is a great storyteller, leaving his audience with a deeper knowledge of both historical events and the defiance and courage of the human spirit. Perhaps the most memorable scene in the story is that in which the author and his father begin the journey out of the camp, a cruel death march towards other, harsher, conditions, a tragic tale is loss, fear, and hopelessness. It is, indeed, a memorable scene that culminates with the death of Wiesels father, and it symbolizes the greatest of human emotions that one could associate with the events of the Holocaust; namely, and as aforementioned, hopelessness. This paper will discuss Wiesels character in detail, as well as this condition of hopelessness, how it is provoked, and how it is symbolized throughout the novel. Wiesel experiences this feeling at numerous points throughout the autobiography. When the audience first meets the boy, he is a teenager who lives in Sighet, in what is now Romania, and who is quite a naè ª °ve and innocent student. The simple story with which the novel starts, however, soon morphs into a tale of horror, as the Jewish people begin their plight as a cause of advancing German soldiers. Many neighbors, friends, and family are transported,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Elie Wiesels Night933 Words   |  4 PagesThe author of Night, a novel documenting the horrible and gruesome events of the holocaust, Elie Wiesel expresses his experiences and observations in which he and his fellow Jews were dehumanized while living in concentration camps (a hell on earth). All Jews, as a race were brutalized by the Nazis during this time; reducing them to no less than objects, positions which meant nothing to them, belongings that were a nuisance. Nazis would gather every Jew that they could find and bring them to theseRead MoreAnalysis of Elie Wiesels Night Essay1672 Words   |  7 Pagessurvived have many terrifying stories to tell. Many survivors are too horrified to tell their story because their experiences are too shocking to express in words. Eli Wiesel overcomes this fear by publicly relaying his survival of the Holocaust. Night, his powerful and moving story, touches the hearts of many and teaches his readers a great lesson. He teaches that in a short span of time, the ways of the world can change for the worst. He wants to make sure that if the world didnt learn anythingRead MoreNight Trilogy By Elie Wiesel1075 Words   |  5 PagesLily Zheng Mrs. Cooper Advanced Honors English 2 Period 14 10 June 2015 Night Trilogy Criticism Elie Wiesel’s Night Trilogy is comprised of an autobiography about Wiesel’s experience during the Holocaust and the horrific struggle he faced while in concentration camps, and two other stories depicting the rise of Israel and an accident. The acclaimed Holocaust writer is most well-known for Night due to its effect across the globe. Dawn and Day are not autobiographies, yet they have lingering presencesRead More Dawn by Elie Wiesel Essay716 Words   |  3 PagesDawn by Elie Wiesel In this report you will see the comparisons between the novel Dawn and the life of Elie Wiesel, its author. The comparisons are very visible once you learn about Elie Wiesel’s life. Elie Wiesel was born on September28,1928 in the town of Hungary. Wiesel went through a lot of hard times as a youngster. In 1944, Wiesel was deported by the nazis and taken to the concentration camps. His family was sent to the town of Auschwitz. The father, mother, and sister of Wiesel diedRead MoreElie Wiesels Perils of Indifference698 Words   |  3 PagesOn April 12th 1999, in Washington D.C., Elie Wiesel gave a speech during the Millennium Lecture Series that took place in the East Room of the White House. The speech was given in front of Mr. Bill and Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, and other officials. Elie Wiesel is an author most noted for his novel Night, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient, and political activist. In the speech he spoke on his view of indifference and expla ined how it was negatively affecting humanity and theRead MoreAutobiographical Literature of the Holocaust1641 Words   |  7 Pagessheer scope of the atrocities committed behind the walls of Hitlers concentration camps, ghettos, and gas chambers, a pair of Holocaust survivors penned intensely moving autobiographical accounts of their persecution. Published in 1958, both Elie Wiesels Night and Primo Levis Survival in Auschwitz attempted to reveal the social significance of the Holocaust by recreating their own individual, and distinctly different, experiences as European Jews living under Nazi occupation. The resulting contributionsRead MoreSummary Of Night Double Entry Journal 1329 Words   |  6 Pages Ms. Williams 9-2-14 English 11 Honors – 4 Night Double Entry Journal I. Write one important quote from each chapter with the page number and explain its significance to the plot of the novel. Think about why that quote was particularly significant within the plot and to the main characters. Text from Night My Response/Analysis Chapter 1: †As far as I’m concerned, this whole business of deportation is nothing but a big farce. Don’t laugh. They just want to steal our valuables and jewelry. TheyRead MoreEliezer Wiesels Relationships1270 Words   |  6 Pages Elie Wiesel was a young boy, when his life changed drastically. He was born in Sighet, Transylvania, which is now Romania. He was born to Shlomo and Sarah, which they had four children, Hilda, Bea, Tsiporah, and Eliezer. Wiesel and his family practiced the Jewish religion, before he was forced into the concentration camps. In the novel Night, Elie Wiesel had a strong belief in God. When Elie and his family were sent off to the concentration camps, he tested his belief in God. In the novel NightRead MorePerseverance Analysis. Many People Suffer Problemsin The1228 Words   |  5 PagesPerseverance Analysis Many people suffer problems in the world today. This includes terrorism and tyranny. It includes kidnapping and hate crime. It can also be cancer and starvation. Many have lived through problems like these and told the tale because they persevered. Through Hillenbrand’s Unbroken, Wiesel’s Night, and Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, perseverance is emphasized the readers by writing about characters, whether they are survivors of the Holocaust, a prisoner of war, or familyRead MoreNight by Elie Weisel Book Analysis1782 Words   |  8 PagesNight Analysis Elie Wiesel’s use of language and structure emphasizes the meaning and tone of the selection. Closely examine the memoir and your annotations to find examples of these features of language and structure. Fill in the chart below, providing the definition of the device, 2-3 examples from the text complete with page number references, and the effect of each example on the context in which it is used and the work as a whole. Literary or Stylistic Device | Definition of Device | 3-4

Friday, December 13, 2019

Enriching Learning Experience Free Essays

ENRICHING LEARNING EXPERIENCES Karen Michelle E. Caparos Teaching strategies, learner’s activities and instructional materials really helped in an effective learning process. There are a lot of teaching strategies that caters different kinds of learners and the strategies that will be used vary upon the teacher. We will write a custom essay sample on Enriching Learning Experience or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also, there are a lot of activities that a teacher can motivate his/her class to engage into. The instructional materials must be also suited to the activity that will be given. According to Vygotsky (1981), mental functions are acquired through social relationship; learning takes place when the child interacts with peers and adults in a social setting as they act upon the environment. The facilitator of learning must provide meaningful and interactive activities that allow a child to internalize, exposing them to new situation to actively interact with others, engaging in functional and interesting learning experiences. He should give thinking activities, social functions of reading and writing activities, and communicative functions of language. Through Vygotsky’s theory, the learning takes place in participating in oral discussion and involving oneself in activities that students will not only learn from the teacher but also learn from the students around them. Knowledge on the stages of development facilitated learning through giving the appropriate activities to the child/ class. Once the teacher knows how to make the learning process enjoyable and interesting it will never make the learner feel afraid, uneasy, and uncomfortable in the class. Thus, it will be a way in order to produce a healthy and conducive atmosphere for learning. How to cite Enriching Learning Experience, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Strategic management Issues

Question : Discuss about the key Issues and Give Your Recommendations ? Answer : Introduction Strategic management involves the procedures of formulating and implementing the key goal, objectives as well as the initiatives taken by the business organization top management on behalf of all stakeholders, based on the consideration of key company resources and the assessment of internal and external environment which the company operates. Strategic management is one of the fundamental hard skill in business management, strategic management entails management of business organization and projects proactively with the main objectives of initiating long-term strategies. Inside the business environment comprises figuring the association which influences the accomplishment and approach of operation (David, 2013).. The external business environment has the control over the entryway and the threats that affect the business operation. It is important to ensure that, the internal business operations are strategically formulated and implemented, this ensures the strategic goals and object ives of the organization are achieved. Therefore, strategic management involves the procedure of analyzing the cross-functional business decision, which is reached by the management while they anticipate for better performance of the organization. Strategic management exhibits the role of management in an organization, whether they are eligible in delivering the best management services to shareholders of the company, it also necessitates the commitment of strategic planning which represents the organizational ability to set goals and objectives which define the direction for the company. About Nestle Company Nestle is a Swiss transnational food and drink company, with its headquarters is located at Vevey, Switzerland. The company is the largest food company in the world; this is by measure of its revenues and other metrics for 2014, 2015 and 2015 consecutively. It is also ranked number 72 on the Fortune Global 500 in 2014, Number 33 on Forbes Global 2000 list of largest public companies. Nestle products comprise baby food, breakfast cereals, coffee and tea, frozen food, pet foods among other products, the company brands have the annual sales which are estimated to be over $1.1 billion. Nestle company has 447 factories which operate in 190 countries, it employee more than 339, 000 people. The company is the main stakeholder of L'Oreal, which the world largest cosmetic company. Nestle origin is dated back to 1866 when two companies were founders the two companies latter formed the Nestle company. After the formation of Nestle Company, the management of the two organization combined their efforts and expanded the business activities of Nestle Company across Europe and United States. The company is focusing to be a leaders in food industry especially, health, nutrition, and wellness. Despite its success in food industry market, Nestle Company is still operating under some issues, which needs the company management to strategically implement on relevant parameters, the company needs to overcome these issues in order to achieve its goals and objectives. Nestle company vision is to Meet the Various needs and demands of consumers in their everyday live, this is by marketing and selling food products which are of high quality. The objectives of this are to ensure that, they deliver the very best quality products in every activity they do, especially from the primary produce, choices of suppliers and transport, to recipes and packaging materials. The company mission is to strive towards bringing consumers food products that are safe and contributes to health and wellness. Nestle Company aids to provide the selection for all individual in all ages groups in the market. Therefore, the main purpose of the company is to offer, safe, tasty as well as nutritious foods to improve health and well-being of consumers in the market. They tend to meet current and future demands from the consumers. The success of Nestle company is primarily based on the commitment of the management all the stakeholders. The primary objectives of the company are to provide to its customers variety of Nutritious products which have different test option, this will allow the consumers to choose the test they like. The long-term strategy and success of Nestle Company is due to the overall investment of scientific research which is done on specific nutrition aspects. Organizational structure The organizational structure is also called the organizational chart, it typically demonstrates the relationship between various individual in an organization, and it defines the relationship between managers, shareholders and employees. An organizational structure depends on the size of the company. Where when the chart grows to be large, it is splinted into smaller charts that will represent different departments within the business entity. Nestle company used relevant organizational structures which are defined to contributes toward achieving their missions. Nestles Corporation is decentralized organization that organizes its operations according to the matrix organizational structures. A matrix organizational structure is a structure which the reporting relationship between the employees and management are set up as a matrix form, employees have dual relationship especially to functional managers and the product manager. Nestle as a decentralized organizational structure that allows the subordinate to make decision and present the same decision to the management, other may have dual commitment with their management while they implement on decisional matters in an organization. Although the overall reportings are made to the top management, the daily operations of the organizations are left back to the employees, where the operation decisions are pushed down to subordinates. Nestle Company is categorized to belong to an organic organization type which is characterized as highly adaptive and flexible to both employees and management, and including the stakeholders. The employee within the company are not eligible to be given more rules and regulations or rather direct supervision from the management. In promoting the organic organizational system, the organization has been able to have highly skilled and trained professional which are encouraged to form teams within the company. Due to high level of influence from internal and external business environment, the employees form teams and group in order to solve specific issues affecting the company, for instance the scientific research in food industry. Therefore, teamwork in an important element and asset which us used by the company in striving towards achieving its strategic The corporate strategy of the company For accomplishing the organizational mission, Nestl uses three strategies that allow the company to maintain a competitive advantage over its rivals. It includes operational pillars, growth drivers and competitive advantage (, 2017). Operational pillars: Innovation and renovation: As mentioned in the company website, Nestl concentrates upon innovation and renovation. The company has largely focused on product development and facility management with the help of innovation and renovation. With the industry leading research and development wing, the company supports constant innovation of the food and beverage portfolio. It helps the company to use effective processes and market attractive products (, 2017). Operational efficiency: the company opts for using the best raw materials, procedures and serves the highest quality and safest products to the consumers. Nestl Continuous Excellence is the organizational approach for supporting efficiency, eliminating wastage, and improving the quality of the product (, 2017). Whenever, wherever, however: for providing the best quality service the company opts for the most effective marketing mix, which includes the diverse product line of the company, the reasonable pricing strategy for the products, appropriate promotional strategies and the accessible distribution channel (, 2017). Figure 1: Corporate Strategy of Nestl (Source:, 2017) Growth drivers Nutrition, Health, and Wellness: the company has the mission of offering the good quality products and thus, enhancing the quality of lives of the consumers and address the chronic medical condition through nutrition (, 2017). Emerging markets and popularity positioned products: the company has opted for positioning its popular products in the emerging markets for the low income customer base (, 2017). Out-of-home consumption: the company has opted for a smart strategy of Out-of-home by introducing products for leisure and others via kiosks, gourmet restaurants, institutional catering, schools and hospitals (Gassmann, Frankenberger Csik 2016). Premiumisation: the company understands the need of pleasure moments among the customers. Hence, Nestl has opted for Premiumisation strategy in which the company offers premium products of the highest quality in a bit extra payment (Laforet, 2015). Competitive advantage Unmatched Product and Brand Portfolio: in the sector of nutrition, health and wellness, the company has the largest number of diversified product line in food and beverages. It serves a huge level of competitive advantage to the company (Gassmann, Frankenberger Csik, 2016). Unmatched Research and Development capability: with a mission of being the leader in nutrition, health and wellness, the company is constantly focusing on research and innovation in developing the product quality and organizational process (, 2017). Unmatched geographic presence: the company is operating in 194 countries with more than 447 factories, which serves as the competitive advantage and a proof of the customer preference for the brand (, 2017). People, culture, values and attitude: the company values its employee base and indentifies them as the pillar of success over 150 years. Hence, it has opted for a commendable HRM policy to motivate and retain the talents within the organization (, 2017). Issues facing Nestle Company It is on record by Forbes 400, there is no entity that works best faces no issues. Every entity works hard to fight its issues and one that does the same is Nestle Company. Nestle is adored by many in the globe and has been termed to be world leader in foodstuffs. Amidst all the popularity, Nestle faces a number of issues that will send one chilling. There are various issues facing Nestle (Hitt, 2017). The issues facing Nestle Company include; Climate change, child labor and raw material issues. Climate change Most of the products of Nestle come from Agricultural produce and climate change forms a strong contender issue to the firm. Climate change has un-presented effect on the companys supplies. According to Forbes 500, climate has been changing bringing out adverse effects to the company supplies. Child labor There has been a number of alleged use of cheap and child labor by the company. The company has faced many court cases as to child labor. This has affected right to center the companys turnover as they have had to hire legal minds to represent them in courts. The child labor has been reported in most of Nestle cocoa production. It has been an issue that have attracted international players of food stuff industries. In most regions that nestle company has planted cocoa the families are poor thus resulting school going children to seek employment in a bid to vent for their families. To this tame this issue, Nestle need to design supplier code and monitor most of her participants in the supply chain. In case there are no other workers and should they have to employ children, let the company come up with training programs about child labor and its consequences. Raw materials The issue surrounding this is high unexpected demand by her clients. In everyday the client list at Nestle grows without increase of raw materials. As earlier stated, climate change is one strong contributor of low levels of raw materials. Shifts of the climate have insignificant effects to the raw materials of the company. For instance, prolong drought have reduce the cocoa plant from reaching maturity on time. There are some natural disasters that negatively influence raw materials of the product. Floods, thunderstorms and storms have affected the availability of raw materials in a negatively manner. To curb the menace, Nestle Company management should come up with compound relationship with the rest material suppliers. In case to reduce bulk products at the store Nestle Company should sell most of the products on promotion. Last but not least, Nestle Company should design Dealer Management system that aids in inventory, sales, service and business management. Opting for online presence Since a long age, the company is following the traditional placing strategy. The company has opted for the FMCG strategy of distribution which involves breaking the bulk policy. The typical distribution channel of the company product is as follows: Manufacturing C F agent Distributors Retailers Consumer (, 2017) and Manufacturing Bulk buyers Consumer (, 2017). In spite of having a strong and effective supply chain model, the over dependency on the physical distribution makes the company experience issues like lack of product availability in the market and increase in the price of the product. It is detrimental for the brand name of Nestl. Hence, the company can make the products available for the consumers with online channels. In the modern business environment, the usage of the online distribution channel helps the companies to directly interact to the customers, identify their needs and control the pricing. The company can opt for supplying the products like chocolates and refreshment beverages via online stores (Blackshaw, 2014). The company can also make the products available in the online retail apps like or the apps of the food retailers. It will help the company to make itself more available and approachable to the customers (Rezaeegiglo et al. 2014). Partnership or strategic alliance with the supplier organizations As mentioned earlier, the company is facing the issue of low quality raw material and the lack of its availability. The previously discussed issue of environmental degradation can be cited as one of the major reasons for the lack of availability of the raw materials. Hence, it is important for the company to opt for a strategy that will ensure consistent supply of the raw agricultural products. Here, the company can opt for the strategy of creating alliance with big farming organization. The company can follow the strategy of investing into the company with the condition of using the Nestl stated regulations for farming. Here, the company needs to lay down own policies for farming which would support the strategy of organic agricultural practices. The partner farming organization needs to conform to the farming policies of Nestl and sell their product exclusively to them (Wolf, 2014). This strategy will be helpful for Nestl to promote its current corporate strategy of providing the best quality product to the employees and eliminate the present issues like lack of raw material and environmental challenges. For the implementation of this strategy, the company can use these organic raw materials for its premium product line in the initial stages. As the new strategy is likely to increase the cost of the company in the first place, the company can collect the profit from its premium product line by using the raw material in its production. Moreover, by promoting the usage of this organic farming strategy, the company can improve its brand image as an environment friendly organization (Payaud, 2014). Thus, by altering its strategy of supply chain management, Nestl can achieve a good level of market success in a sustainable way. Recommendations Be it internal or external every company have its own issues with Nestle Company included. You are only presented with change and acceptance of it makes the difference. The market is fierce when it comes to chocolate and Nestle should break into block chocolate and run on the platform as her competitor, Cadbury. Research done by the university of Chicago postulates current market share of Nestle chocolate to be 20.0% while that of Cadbury standing at 34.1%. Nestle should come up with plans and develop Block chocolate. Number two, Nestle motto for confectionary need to be enhanced. Good food good life slogan need to be re-modified, Nestle is a global company in food and beverage. In that case I would recommend Nestle have the good food good life for other sections of the company and try design something like Chocolate Champions or something Nestle would benefit at the end. In addition, media reports and detailed financial data indicates that Nestle spends huge amounts to advertise on annual basis. It is quite high as compared to her competitor. To respond to it, I do recommend Nestle to change her strategy and embark seriously on uplifting her old sellers and distribution joints across the entire globe. Nestle should shy away from introducing new product in the market and work hard to boost her immediate products by upgrading them. Conclusion Nestle is the world leader in food and beverage industry. It sells products of high quality with her revenue increasing on yearly basis. The achievements poised by Nestle is driven by good business management with good leadership that stand tall in realizing the core objective of the company. Operational managers are given mandate to liaise with local marketers and customers on the kind of products they need. The production manager on the same note ensures the customer needs are answered in the product. The product of the company is not a single job but collective efforts that are well-organized and portend realization of Nestle core objective. 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